Monday, June 22, 2015

Romania 2015- Day 8

Day 8- June 20, 2015

Today was moving day!! I finally got to move to my new digs, an apartment right next to the local Baptist Church!  It is the perfect size, and best of all, I’m told it stays pretty cool!! I didn’t get much time to unpack when we quickly dropped my stuff off this morning.  Then we dropped off Jessica’s stuff at Paul and Lumi’s house.  It was so good to see them! And little David isn’t as little!! He’s grown so much in the past year!! I didn’t really get to meet their new baby boy, Dennis, because he was asleep, but I’m sure I’ll meet him soon!

After our things were at our new places, we headed out for our sight-seeing adventure.  I must admit, I still wasn’t feeling well, so I was taking some sinus medicine which makes me sleepy.  So, I slept most of the way.  The route Gabi chose was a little bumpy, but we had fun laughing our way through.  Once we reached our destination, which I can’t spell or say, we stopped for lunch.  That’s when I really started to not feel well.  So instead of touring the castle, I took a nap in the backseat of the van.  I was bummed to miss it, but also not up to walking around that much. 

Once Gabi, Jessica, and Nate had finished their tour, we began our way home.  We stopped in Sibiu to walk around the town center and have dinner.  It started raining right as we got there and the temperature quickly dropped.  Even though we were cold and getting rained on, the city center was very cool.  It is in the middle of a fort, and they had some sort of festival happening.  While we were stopped for dinner the rain stopped, so the walk back to the car was much nicer.  I would really like to go again and get to wander around some more!

We finally made it home a little after 10pm.  I pretty much crashed! Even though I slept so much during the day, I was beat!

Please be in prayer for church tomorrow, that God will speak to us and that I will feel better.

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