Thursday, June 25, 2015

Romania 2015- Day 12

Day 12- June 24, 2015

This morning we helped Bailey with the music rotation.  Of course we started with a dance party to get our wiggles out!  So fun! Then we practiced two songs that we hope to have the kids sing as a concert for the teachers. We practiced each song once with just our voices, and then we practiced each song again, but added instruments.  It was so cute to watch them play and sing! 

After our VBS rotations, we had lunch.  It was Sarmale day, so I was very thankful for my peanut butter! Then we had our afternoon break, where we mainly just hung out and chatted.  I enjoyed looking out the window at the community...

When the big kids arrived in the afternoon we split them into two groups.  The interns had tested their English ability to split them into a low and high group.  While the interns took one group and taught English, I took the other group and played games.  First we played red light/ green light.  I would only say red and green in English so they could practice those words.  Each round I told them how they could move.  For the first round they had to walk like their feet weighed a ton, then they skipped, then the crab walked, and so on.  They really seemed to enjoy it! 

After a few rounds of red light/ green light, we switched to a new game: head, shoulders, knees, and toes.  I’m not sure if that is its real name, but that’s what I decided to call it.  The kids make an inside circle and an outside circle.  The person across from them is their partner.  When I say go, the two circles walk in different directions.  When I say stop, they have to freeze.  Then I say two body parts (such as head and elbow).  The two partners have to find each other and touch those body parts- one’s head touches the other’s elbow.  This was a hilarious game, which we WILL be playing again.  They had tons of fun!!!

Once all the kids had left, Gabi took me to my apartment to drop of my new fridge!! I’m so excited to have cold water to drink!! And ICE!!! Then we headed back to Point of Hope to pick up Jessica and then go to TM.  Daci drove us back to TM, and I must say, he’s the fastest driver I’ve ever ridden with!! It was a little like a roller coaster!!  In TM, we headed to Buckner Romania’s office and made cards for the kids and women to bring to get in next week.  Then Gabi took us to BauMaxx (the Romanian Home Depot) to get some sticky stuff to hang the mural.  Then we went to the mall to shop a little and have dinner.  After a yummy dinner Gabi took us to the bus stop to catch the bus back to Tarnaveni.

All in all, another GREAT day!!

Please be in prayer for Jessica’s last day tomorrow.  She will be headed to Bucharest tomorrow evening to fly out early Friday morning.  Pray for safe travels and comfort as she says goodbye to everyone here.

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