Saturday, June 27, 2015

Romania 2015- Day 15

Day 15- June 27, 2015

Brrr!!! It was cold this morning in my apartment!! I love it!!  Since today is Saturday and the team hadn’t arrived yet, I got to sleep in!! It was so nice to not wake up to an alarm!!

I spent the morning being rather lazy and watching TV on my laptop.  Thanks to Swanna for showing me a website where I can watch like almost any show for free!  Too bad it doesn’t work in America…

Around 3, Gabi called to say the team had arrived and I would be picked up soon.  A little while later the van arrived and I was super excited to see Kristian get out to hug me!!  I’m so glad we are here at the same time again!  We had so much fun last summer!  We met the team at Point of Hope and started our planning for next week.  Bailey went over the VBS schedules and responsibilities.  Then Gabi and I pulled the women who will be doing the women’s ministry to another room to talk about our plans.  I’m excited about all they have planned for the week!  I will be doing the beauty rotation with some Mary Kay items that were generously donated by my friend! Please pray that I don’t mess it up, I’m not the most experienced make-up person!!

After a dinner of pizza we all went home.  I typed up the plan for the women’s ministry and played around on facebook and such.  Just a relaxing evening at home!!

Please be in prayer for the team as they go to the gypsy church in the morning.  Pray that they soak up the experience and feel God’s presence.  After church we are headed to TM, so please pray for traveling mercies and that everyone will have a good time!   

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