Monday, June 22, 2015

Romania 2015- Day 10

Day 10- June 22, 2015

Today was another great day in Romania!! Libero picked me up and then picked up Jessica, then we headed to Point of Hope.  This morning we helped the interns with VBS with the little kids.  I was in with Bailey who was in charge of crafts.  She started by have a little dance time to get the wiggles out! So fun!!

Once their wiggles were out, they sat down and had a discussion about what prayer is, when we should pray, and what their favorite animal was.  Then we drew our favorite animal. I of course drew a longhorn.

Once we had our drawings done, we went over the sounds the different animals made.  So cute! Then we moved on to the craft, kazoos!  We made the kazoos, then we put on a little concert for ourselves.  And you, because I made a video of course!!

Then we moved to the other classroom and did something very similar.  Since the second class is a lot younger, Jessica and I put together their kazoos and they just played with them.  Then we tried to play musical chairs. As these are 2-4 year olds, they didn't quite get the concept.  We had to keep reminding them to move when the music started again.  But they seemed to have fun!

After lunch, there wasn't much for Jessica and I to do.  The interns worked with the before-school kids on their English.  There was a painting that had gotten messed up when they cut a spot for a door, so Jessica and I painted a cloud to cover the messed up part.  

Once all the kids had left, the staff had a cake for Mr. Libero since his birthday was on Saturday.  He was so cute!!

Jessica invited me over to Paul and Lumi's to hang out for the evening.  On the way there, we stopped at the Lidel to get some snacks.  While we were walking around, we decided to get supplies to cook dinner for Paul, Lumi, and Swanna.  Since it is American week, we got the fixin's for fajitas! It was my first time to try cooking in Romania, and my first time to make fajitas, but I think they turned out ok! Little David seemed to like the chicken anyway!

After dinner, we decided that a sleep-over was in order, so Swanna took me back to my apartment to get jammies and clothes for tomorrow.  Now we're just hanging out and having a girls night!

Tomorrow we are going to Bahnea, the small town where Paul, Lumi, Dennis, and Swanna work with a local Roma church. They've been building a house, you may have seen me share some pictures of it on Facebook.  I'm excited to see their progress!!  They are also about to start building a new church in a neighboring town, I'm hoping we get to see that too!

Please be in prayer for our travel safety tomorrow.  Pray that we are able to help out and bless the people who serve there everyday.  Thank you so much for your continued prayers!!

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