Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Romania 2015- Day 11

Day 11- June 23, 2015

Today Jessica and I went with Swanna, Lumi, and Paul to Bahnea, a nearby village where they work with a local church.  The men have been working hard to build a house for a gypsy family in Bahnea and a church in a neighboring village.  To celebrate their hard work, they decided to have a gratar (grill/ cook-out).  We were sweetly invited to join!

Before we could actually get to Bahnea, Swanna needed to run to TM to buy some more fabric for her quilting group, and some meat for the grill.  Jessica and I had fun running errands with Swanna and getting all we needed for the day. 

We finally arrived in Bahnea around 2 pm I think. The men were all still off working, so we hung out with the quilting group.  One of the ladies was making what they call a stain glass pattern.  I loved it so much I said I would buy it! She was close to being finished so I’m hoping it will be done by the end of the week.  But if not, I’m here for plenty of time!

While waiting for the men to arrive, we also started getting ready for the grill.  I helped peel potatoes and Jessica helped roll the mici (a kind of log roll of ground beef and pork).

A few of the men showed up to begin grilling.  Grilling in Romania is a little different than what I’m used to.

While we waited for the food to be done, Paul took us to see the house that was being built for a family who lived in a mud hut.  A part of their roof had collapsed awhile ago, so they were in need of a new place to live.  The men built the house right next to the old one.  Such a difference!

Finally it was time to eat! After the men prayed over the table, we all gathered around and filled our plates!  While I can’t say it was my favorite meal, it was pretty good.

All in all, a good day in Bahnea!!

Please be in prayer that tomorrow goes well at Point of Hope!

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