Thursday, June 25, 2015

Romania 2015- Day 13

Day 13- June 25, 2015

Today was a very relaxed day.  Bailey had some friends in town who work with a mission in another city here in Romania.  So there were lots of adults around to help out.  It is also a very rainy day here, so we only had 6 little kids show up this morning.  Since there were more adults than kids, Jessica and I decided to hang out in headquarters and take care of some logistical stuff.  It was stuff that needed to get done, but not quite as fun as working with the kiddos!!

After lunch, Laura asked us to start going through some books for the new library.  You know the one we built shelves for last week?  Did I tell you about that??  There’s been so much; I don’t even remember what I put on the blog and what I didn’t!  I try to get everything in, but you know my memory isn’t the best.  Anyway, we sorted the books into English and Romanian.  Then we sorted the English books into adult and kids books.  Finally, we put those sets in alphabetical order and wrote a list of what books they have.  Mr. Libero is adding to the shelves to make them taller, so we can’t put them in the actual library yet, but will when he finishes. 

This evening I went over to Paul and Lumi’s to hang out with Jessica until it was time for her to leave.  It was sad to say goodbye!

Please be in prayer for Jessica’s safe return home. Also please be praying for the next team which is arriving tomorrow.

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