Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Romania 2015- Day 18

Day 18- June 30, 2015

Wow, another awesome day!!!  Thankfully, not quite as long or as tiring as yesterday, but still jam packed!!  Just looking at today’s pictures made me tear up, I love these people SO much!!  It was obvious that God was with us today.

This morning Kim did the devotional with the women.  She was super nervous and self conscious about what she had planned to say.  She had a hard time getting the first part out without crying, but that just showed the women how passionate she was about what she was talking about.  Several of them said it showed how much she loved God.  Her devotional was about God being there with you all the time to help you get past your fears and doubts.  It was clear that God was standing beside her giving her strength and showing His greatness through her words.  I know the women were touched and I was as well.  It was a great reminder to rely on God, especially when you feel doubtful of yourself and your abilities.  It reminds me of the saying, “If God brings you to it, He will bring you through it.”  

After devotional we started our rotations.  Today in beauty we focused on our faces.  Before we got into doing anything to our faces, I shared another devotional I found online.  I talked about how our society and world in general puts a lot of pressure on women to be beautiful.  We are sold all kinds of products to “make” us beautiful.  But true beauty cannot be found by using these products.  It is found when we seek God and let the Holy Spirit into our soul.  Then true beauty radiates from us.  You can find the full devotional here.  I’ve been blessed to find a devotional that says exactly what I want it to, but way better than I could say on my own.  I know that God is watching over this time because He knows I really want to pour into these women.  After we discussed what true beauty meant, we pampered our faces.  We started by using a Mary Kay face wash with exfoliates to really get our faces clean.  Then we added some color with some eye shadow and lipstick.  They had so much fun!!  I’m so thankful to Katie Prewitt for her generous donation of Mary Kay products, she is AMAZING!!! They’ve loved using it all!!!

At the end of rotation time, I ate lunch with the women.  It was nice to extend our time together!  Then I had a short break before getting ready for afternoon VBS.  I am so thankful for Kristian and Brett who took over activities with the English lesson kids this week so I could have a break between women’s ministry and VBS!  They did a great job today!!!

Around 2:30 the VBS madness started!  I had two new kiddos in my group today, which brought us to 16.  The schedule changed just a bit so that they could go to snack to get something to drink after being outside.  Our first rotation was still indoor games.  Before we split, John Frank (leader of the Louisiana team) came up and did a game called Arooshtasaw (I have no idea if that’s how you spell it, he made the word up).  He has done this with them for years, so they all call it out when they see him.  I can’t even describe this game to you; I’ll have to try to video it tomorrow.  After that, we split into two groups.  One played Ping-Pong or darts and the other was with Michael and Gelu playing a game I didn’t catch the name of.  The point seemed to be to stand up without the person who was “it” seeing you, then to tag them.  Then you become “it.”  I missed the instructions, but that’s what I caught from watching it for a few minutes. 

Second, we went outside for outside games.  They played a game called Ships and Sailors.  The Captain (Brett and Conner) calls out situations and the kids have to do the correct action.  For example: if they call out “man overboard” each kid has to find a partner.  One of them gets down on one knee and the other puts a foot on the first one’s back, then they both put a hand over their eyes like they are scanning the horizon.  If you don’t do the right action or find the right number of people you’re out.  The kids had a great time playing!  After a round of that, they were able to free play with some soccer balls and hula-hoops.

Third, we went back inside to have snack/computer time.  A nice break after being out in the sun!  While the kids were eating their snack, Meagan made balloon animals for them.  They loved it!!

Fourth, we went to crafts.  The craft today was a bookmark that they got to color.  Once they finished coloring their bookmark, they got to get their face painted.  So fun!!!

Fifth, we went to Bible.  The lesson today was about God helping us overcome our fears.  Dan talked about David and Goliath and we read the 23rd Psalm.  Then they colored a picture of David and Goliath. 

Lastly, we went to music.  They had fun singing and marching along to the music.  I didn’t recognize the first song, but the second one was “I’m in God’s Army!”  It took me a bit to recognize it, but I finally did!!  After singing and marching to two songs, they played hot potato to music.  I was in control of the music, hehehe!  Then we played musical chairs.  Alina won! So fun!!

After VBS we fed the kids dinner.  We took three groups into the café at a time to eat.  It blessed my heart to see them all bow their heads and pray before eating!! When the older kids ate, Cristi lead the prayer.  (Insert the proudest emoji ever!!)  Love my boy!!!!

Once we had fed all the VBS kids, we took the extra food downstairs and began feeding as many people as we could.  I think we handed out about 150 plates of food to anyone who came up.  Here is another time it was obvious that God was with us today.  It was looking very dark and rainy so we weren’t sure many people would show up to get food.  When one of the translators asked Gabi what we would do if it rains, she said, “It won’t rain until we’re done, God’s watching over us.”  And He was.  It rained further in Tarnaveni, just down the street, but not on us!  We had a few drops right as we finished, but not enough to matter.  God knew those people needed that meal! 

My heart is so full tonight!  I love these people and this place so much!! And I love seeing God working here!  Please be in prayer for tomorrow as it is our last day with the women.  Pray that we can impact them and show them Jesus.  Also please pray that VBS again goes smoothly and everyone has another great day!
This is Alin, will you pray for him?  Just imagine the impact if everyone would pray for these kiddos!!

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