Thursday, June 18, 2015

Romania 2015- Day 6

Day 6- June 18, 2015

Today was much more relaxed than the beginning of the week.  We weren't scheduled to work with the morning kids, just help out as the interns did their English lessons.  For the first rotation, I stayed upstairs working on figuring out this afternoon's craft.  I found 3 different origami shapes for them to do.  Then I went downstairs to check out what the big kids were working on.  Half of them were decorating mugs.  They were told that the best ones would be used as gift for the men who were visiting to evaluate the program today.  The other half were in with the interns learning English.  When I got downstairs they only had about 5 minutes left in the first rotation. During the second rotation Jessica and I sat in the back of the room to observe the English lessons.  Markus was with us and helped us learn the Romanian of what they were learning. The interns did a great job!

After the English lessons we had a long break, where we hung out and listened to music in our preparation room.  It was a good, relaxing time!
Markus and Bailey being silly!!
In the afternoon we did our last VBS with the after-school kids.  The three origami shapes I picked were a dog face, a spinning bird, and a crown.  The first two were fairly simple and most of the kids did them with no problem.  The crown was a little harder and more of them needed help.  But they all seemed to have a great time!!

This evening we had a pizza/movie party for all the translators and volunteers that have helped us out this week.  Just a little way to say thank you for all they do!  We watched Despicable Me on the big screen in the movie room.  So fun!!

All in all another great day in Romania!!

Please be in prayer for tomorrow, we will be having a celebration day with all the kids to celebrate the end of school for them.  Pray that even as we have a great time, we will be able to show the love of Jesus.  Thank you so much for your continued prayers, God is listening!

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