Monday, June 15, 2015

Romania 2015- Day 3

Day 3- Monday, June 15, 2015

Wow.  Today was just Wow.

I forget from year to year how satisfying the work we do with at the Point of Hope is.  I remember how much I love it and how fun it is, but it’s the satisfaction I have right now, that I tend to forget.  It is a satisfaction that comes from seeing how much of a difference this program makes in the lives of
these kids.  And I’m not talking about the few weeks I am here each year; I’m talking about the program carried out by the dedicated staff of the Point of Hope year round.  If you just look at my boy, Cristi, the growth he has shown since my first visit in 2010 is amazing!  I look at him now and see the man he can be, which wouldn’t be possible without Point of Hope.  The children in this community grow up in a poverty we, as Americans, can’t fathom.  And their society tells them that this poverty is all they deserve, so they believe it.  They repeat what they know from watching their community and the passed down feelings of worthlessness and shame continues.  Point of Hope comes in and tells them, “You are worthy!”, “You can accomplish anything!” and “You deserve more!”  Then they equip them with tools and habits to accomplish more and show their society that they do not fit into the societal ideal of what a Roma is.  This helps break the prejudice cycle and, hopefully, will lead to them building a better life for themselves and their families.  I can’t sing their praises enough!  The Point of Hope staff are truly my heroes!

My yearly picture in front of one of my favorite places!!!

On to what we accomplished today… 

We woke up this morning, had a quick breakfast, then headed to Point of Hope to start our day’s activities. In the morning we worked with the pre-school kids.  There were about 24 of them, so we decided to do two rotations of crafts and Bible lesson, then all do recreation together. If you’ve followed my mission trips before it will not surprise you that I’m in charge of crafts.  Today’s craft for the little ones went along with their Bible lesson on baby Moses.  We had sheets run with a baby Moses, basket, and some reeds.  They colored their page, then we cut it out for them, and then they glued it all down.  They seemed to enjoy it and I’m hoping it helped them understand the lesson.  

Then we went outside for some unstructured play time.  It was so fun watching them run and play.  I had mine and Jessica’s cameras, so I just walked around taking picture after picture. At one point many of the kids ran after one of our translators, Markus (some of you may remember him from last year) and tackled him.  He was such a trooper and let them climb all over him.  It was good to see the kids forming bonds with a volunteer that works here year round.  

Markus with the kiddos!
Karoly playing with the kids on the seesaw!
While we were playing, guess who came out of the building? My boy, Cristi!!! It was so good to see him!  And you know what made my day even more?? He remembered my name!  Last year I swear he asked my name a hundred times! He of course wanted to see the pictures on my phone of him in the past.  He loves to see those every year! (And it makes me smile that he remembers I have them!) I’m telling you, this boy has stolen my heart!!

Anyways, back to the update… After we played for awhile, we went inside for lunch.  Since the second group we work with, the after-school kids, don’t arrive until later, we had a nice break between groups.  I used this time to study up on how to make some origami shapes since that is our craft on Thursday.  Gotta love YouTube!!

When the after-school kids where ready, we started our rotations with them.  Since there were around 40 kids this round, we did three rotations: Bible lesson, craft, and recreation.  The craft I did with the older kids was a kazoo made from craft sticks.  Now, I know what you may be thinking, because that’s what I was thinking when I found it on Pintrest.  “There’s no way that would be a cool craft, how does two craft sticks, some cut up straws, and rubber bands make a kazoo??” Let me tell you, they LOVED it!! I can’t really describe the sound it makes, so I took a video just for you!

Fun, right?!?! After our three rotations we bid farewell to the kids and headed up to our planning room to make sure we were ready for tomorrow.  Then we headed to dinner. Another great day in Romania!!

Please be in prayer for tomorrow as we work with the kids again. Pray that they will be receptive of the lessons and enjoy the crafts.  Pray that we will be blessed by working with them and that God will use us in a way that will draw others closer to Him.  Thank you for following my adventure and praying for us!

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