Monday, June 22, 2015

Romania 2015- Day 7

Day 7- June 19, 2015

Today was celebration day!! It was the last day of school, so we decided to throw a celebration for our kids!  We had a luau party going on upstairs where they could play games and be silly.  They also got to play outside some.  I went with Mr. Libero, the director of the Point of Hope, to pick up the cakes we ordered, so I missed out on some of the partying, but I had fun getting to spend some time with him.  He is so jolly and clearly loves the kids! 

After lunch was served, we brought out the cake with a firecracker like candle on top!  Since today also happened to be Nate’s birthday, we had the kids sing him Happy Birthday.  They loved it!! 
The little kids got to have cake after their lunch too.  They were so cute!! One little boy thought it would be faster to stick his face on the plate to eat his cake. Of course I had to get a picture of that!  Too cute!!

With the afternoon kids, they start with lunch, so they got to start with their cake!  Then we split them in two groups.  One group went upstairs to party, the other got to make a love monster with me!  It was probably one of the more difficult and time consuming crafts we did this week, but they seemed to really enjoy it!! And their monsters were so cute!!!

Unfortunately, this afternoon I started feeling pretty sick.  I stayed home from dinner to rest, which bummed me out as dinner tonight was with the staff of Point of Hope.  Jessica said it was fun and they really enjoyed the gifts we brought them.

Please be in prayer that I start to feel better and that we have safe travels as we go sight-seeing tomorrow!