Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Romania 2015- Day 5

Day 5- Wednesday, June 17, 2015

I'm was so glad to wake up to cooler weather today!! It felt so nice!!

This morning was a little different than the beginning of the week. Instead of doing VBS with the little kiddos, we worked with the oldest kids.  These are 5th-7th graders who have been coming to meet with the interns for English lessons.  Jessica and I took the girls, and Nathan took the boys.  I can't tell you about what those boys did, but Nathan wrote a blog post about it for ACF, you should totes check it out!

With the girls, we started with an ice-breaker of painting nails.  What young girl doesn't love to have their nails painted?? Some paired up with a partner and painted each other's nails, some painted their own nails, and some had one of us paint their nails.  Some of them even painted our nails!  It was fun to watch them enjoy the activity!

Once we'd had some time with them, we got into the Bible lesson.  Jessica did a very good lesson on being God's chosen.  She talked about how we, as girls, want to be chosen by our friends, family, and boys.  And sometimes we get down on ourselves when we aren't chosen by those people.  She then added that we shouldn't because we are chosen by God and that is so much better than being chosen by other people.  God, who created the whole universe, chose us!  How can we think anything less of ourselves when He chose us? Isn't that a great thought?? If only we could remember that in those moments of sadness and worthlessness that come from not being chosen by those around us.

After the lesson we did a craft to help them remember they are God's chosen.  We had some scratch-able door hangers left from yesterdays crafts, so we used those. We had them first write "I am chosen by God" (in Romanian), then they were free to decorate it any way they wanted.  They had so much fun! 

By the time they finished it was time for lunch, but we had to get in a group shot before they left!!

After lunch we did VBS with the after-school kids.  Today's craft was SOOOO messy!! But also SOOO fun for them!!! We did something I found on Pintrest, salt paintings.  First you draw a picture with glue, then cover the glue with salt.  After that you use food coloring with water and drop the water on your salt covered glue.  If you do it slow enough, you can see the color spreading along the salt.  It is pretty cool!  They made a huge mess, but had tons of fun!

After the kids left, Gabi wanted to put together the tiles we brought with us.  For those of you who don't know, ACF hosted "Do Something Beautiful" events all over the US where people colored tiles that would be put together to make a mural at Point of Hope.  (I had a few people color one at my paint night.)  No one knew what the "big" picture would be except the lady who put the whole thing together.  That is until today!  Now we know, but I'm told we can't share it until we figure out how to hang it on the wall. :-/ But, I will tell you it looks super cool and beautiful!! I can't wait to be able to share the pictures!!!

This evening we went to dinner with Gabi at a restaurant a little outside of town.  The view when we arrived was amazing!!  Although the food wasn't my favorite, it was a GREAT dinner.  First, I ordered for myself in Romanian for the first time!!  I felt very accomplished!  Then, I was trying to read different words on the menu and get Gabi to tell me different Romanian words.  Well, my Romania pronunciation is atrocious.  Which lead to lots of laughter! At one point I was laughing so hard I cried!  So, we now know, I'm not the best at Romanian, but I'm getting better!  

Isn't this just a beautiful sight?!?!
Please be in prayer that tomorrow goes smoothly.  That God uses us to bless the kids we work with and each other.  Thank you so much for your prayers so far, I know God is listening!!

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