Monday, June 29, 2015

Romania 2015- Day 16

Day 16- June 28, 2015

This morning I went to the Baptist church.  I really enjoy their services! 

After church I met up with the team for lunch.  It was fun getting to know some of them a little better!  We have some fun people here this week, it should be interesting!

Gabi had planned for the team to go to TM to do some sightseeing.  The interns didn’t want to go, but I decided it would be good to hang out with the team and continue getting to know them.  So off to TM we went.  When we arrived the bus dropped us off on the square (which is more a rectangle) or center of town.  As we walked down the street and up the opposite side, Gabi talked about the history of the country and city.  Even though I had heard most of it before, I enjoyed the walk and scenery.  I took a few new pictures as well…
The flower clock in the park that runs down the middle of the street.

I forget what this building is, but it is a government building.

A panoramic pic of the street in from of that government building.

At the end of the center is Mures Mall.  Once we had walked there, we split up for about an hour before dinner.  I went with Gabi, and some of the team members to the grocery store that is on the bottom floor of the mall.  I picked up some more croissants so I would have breakfast this week.  Then we headed upstairs to meet everyone for dinner.  We ate at KFC.  I ordered the chicken strips because that’s what I would order back home.  What I didn’t know was if you order chicken strips in Romania you get the hot chicken.  I say hot and not spicy because these went way beyond spicy!!  My mouth was on fire after just a few bites!  I managed to eat 2 I think, but the rest we ended up giving away.  (I wasn’t the only one in the group to make this mistake, so we had quite a few hot chicken strips!!)

After dinner the bus picked us up to take the team back to Tarnaveni.  Gabi and I stayed behind to run some errands.  First we stopped by her apartment to get her things for this week as she is staying at the hotel with the team.  Then we stopped by the Buckner offices to print some things for the Women’s Ministry.  Finally, we stopped at Auchan, which is kinda like a Super HEB.  There we picked up some things for the team and a few things for me. 

Around 9:45pm we finally got on the road back to Tarnaveni.  It ended up being quite a late night!!

Please be in prayer for VBS and the Women’s Ministry that begins tomorrow!

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