Monday, June 30, 2014

Day 11

Sunday, June 29, 2014

Another great day in Romania!! Jessica and I got up this morning and went to church with Ale.  We didn't go to her church, but a different one in town.  I was happy to experience a different church.  Adella translated for Jessica and Ale translated for me. It was a very good service!  They preached about praying for others and ourselves and knowing God's word so that when faced with temptation we have something to strengthen us.

After church, we came back to the apartment and hung out while waiting for Paul and Lumi to return from their church in Bacnea.  I am planning to visit their church next Sunday if I can.  They returned with Lumi's sister and her family.  We all went to get pizza at Pizza Motors in town.  Super yummy pizza!!

Later, we met Ale, Libero, Marcus, and a friend of theirs for a hike.  When Ale told us that we were going on a hike, we didn't quite expect to be climbing a mountain! To be completely honest, it wasn't really a mountain, but a very big hill.  It sure felt like a mountain though!  There were some great views from the top!
About half way up, I needed a break so I took a few pictures...

From the top, awesome views, once I regained the ability to breathe!!

This is what we hiked up!!! Super steep!
Headed back down!!
I can now say I climbed a mountain (very big hill) in Romania!!  Tomorrow we start working on the mural at Point of Hope!

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