Tuesday, June 10, 2014

T-Minus 10 Days!!!

I can't believe I leave in ten days!!! There is so much to do, I'm not even sure where to start!

We found out a few weeks ago what we would be doing while the first team is there (the first ten days.)  Our first Sunday, we will be attending the Roma church.  I can't wait to experience this again!  We were able to attend this church on my first visit to Romania, and it was unforgettable. I wasn't sitting close enough to a translator to understand what was going on, but their love for Christ was clear.  Oh, how I hope that is how we come across when worshiping! 

The first two days working at Point of Hope will be filled with VBS with the after-school program kids. Our team members from Burnet are leading this, so I just get to participate and play with the kids. In the evenings, we will be working on painting a mural in one of the rooms. I'm hoping this is a tracing project as I have no art skills! 

The next two days we will be working with the women of the community. Since this is what we did last year, Jessica, Jan, and I are taking the lead. We will have a Bible study time and then some rotations. We are still working out some of the details of the rotations. Jessica and I have been working on ideas for the craft rotation.  We know one day will be decorating a frame, and we're thinking of doing a bracelet for the other day.

That about wraps up the first week! Then the team will head home, while Jessica and I stay behind. Jessica is staying for another week, so I will have some company that first week without the team. Right now I'm not sure what I will be doing for the remainder of my trip, but, I have a call planned with Tim, the director of ACF, on Wednesday. Hopefully he will be able to give me some idea of what I'll be doing. 

I'm so excited, and slightly overwhelmed! The idea of packing to be out of the country for 30 days is just a little scary! But, I know God is in control and everything will work out as He has planned!

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