Monday, June 9, 2014

Romania Again!!

Want to help more kids like this?? Read on...
Dear Friends and Family,
                I hope that your year is going well so far!  I can’t believe it is already May!! This school year has flown by.  I have a wonderful group of kids this year and have really enjoyed teaching them.  As many of you may know, I am headed back to Romania this summer.  I will be going to work with the same group of people that I’ve worked with the two previous times I went.  I can’t wait to be back!
                While in Romania, I work with Another Child Foundation and Buckner Romania.  They have opened the Point of Hope Center in Tarnaveni, a small town about five hours north of Bucharest.  At Point of Hope they work with at risk children and families by offering education in a Biblical context, meals, clean clothes, showers, and love.  We are working to break down generational prejudices against the Roma people.  Such prejudices make it difficult for the Roma people to get jobs, medical care, and housing.  Another goal of ours is to keep families together by supporting the family unit.  Early education at the Point of Hope Center is vital to help the Roma children compete with their non-Roma peers and to break the cycle of poverty.  In a community where families live in Soviet Era apartments, that we would consider condemned, Another Child Foundation provides hope and opportunities through support.  Personally, on my first trip, I worked with the school aged children doing Vacation Bible School.  I was blown away by how much they love God, even though they have so little in terms of possessions.  They loved to play and learn about Jesus!  Last year, I worked with the women of the community.  They are the mothers of the children served at Point of Hope.  We did Bible Study, cooking classes, beauty classes, and crafts.  They started the week somewhat reserved, but by the end of the week they were laughing and joking with us and with each other.  You could tell that God had brought them together!  Again, their love for God despite their circumstances just amazed me.  How many of us, when faced with poverty, hungry children that we couldn’t feed, and spouses who couldn’t work, would still praise God?  They have so little, but love God so very much.
                By now I hope you’re wondering how you can help.  There are many ways!  First, and most importantly, I need your prayers.  Pray that everything travel-wise will go smoothly, that the people will be open to hearing God’s word, and that I am able to do and say all that God has planned for me.  My desire is to be a beacon shining them towards Jesus.  Secondly, if you are able, I am in need of financial support.  My airfare has been paid for, but I still need $2500 to cover the costs of staying there for a month.  I trust that God will provide, as He always has in the past.  If you are able and willing to help, you may log on to the Another Child Foundation website: Fill out the donation information and put my name in the comments box to make sure it goes to my trip.  Lastly, you can help in our drive for some very specific humanitarian aid.  Point of Hope has sent us a list of their most needed items right now: new shoes for children ages 3 to 14; new or gently worn jeans for children ages 3 to 14; and new or gently used blankets.  I would be happy to meet you to pick up these items, or you can mail them to me.  We are collecting until the end of July, as the container will be shipped in early August.  Please be in prayer to see how God might use you to help these amazing people!
                I appreciate any support that you are able to give.  I can’t wait to be there serving our risen Lord and King, Jesus!

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