Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Day 7

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Today was filled with laughter! We began our work with the women of the Roma community today.  Most of them are mothers of the children that attend the school.  It was much less intimidating this year than it was last year.  Many of the women remembered Jan, Jessica, and me from last year.  They associate me with a crown, which is funny since we didn't make crowns last year.  We did make wreaths that many of them put on their heads which is what they are referring to, at least I think that's it!

The ladies waiting to start...
Jan started the morning with a Bible lesson about the proverb of the woman with a lost coin.  She talked about how we are the lost coins, and God does everything he can to find us and bring us back to Him.  It was an excellent lesson!

After the lesson, we broke into groups of 7 or 8 ladies and began our rotations.  One rotation was beauty, where they gave the ladies makeovers.  Thanks to Katie Prewitt for the donation of Mary Kay products, they loved it!!  Another rotation was health with Gabi's sister Erika.  She talked to the women about TB and how they can stay healthy.  The last rotation was crafts with Jessica, Christian, Daisy, and me.  (We joke that we are the "hot mess Texas girls"!  We're having so much fun together!)  Today's craft was a safety pin bracelet.  We had Orsi translating for us.  She is who translated crafts for me last year, so we're good friends now!  The ladies were excited to make a bracelet, they told us they loved bracelets!

Making bracelets...
After our time with the women, we were invited to visit some of their homes.  Gabi knows how much I love Christi, so she made sure I was with the group going to his home.  I was so excited to get to see where he lives.  Our group ended up being Ale, Jan, and me.  I had met Chrisit's mom earlier today during the craft time.  I had showed her some of the pictures from my first visit, and found out that she has eight kids. Last year we were able to visit a house, not the apartments behind the center.  There is a very big difference in the two.  When we first walked in I wasn't sure what to think.  The building isn't anything like what we would consider livable.  Christi's apartment was on the first floor, so we didn't have to go upstairs.  I was glad for that because the stairs didn't look all that inviting.  When we made it to the apartment I almost cried.  It is one room. ONE ROOM! For seven kids and two adults! AND, this room could fit inside my living room.  It broke my heart that this was where they lived.  They invited us in and I was able to meet most of Christi's siblings, one is older and married.  He was all smiles when we came in. As we conversed with his mom, I told her how Christi is a big part of why I came back, I loved him so much.  She said that he loved me too, that he had come home talking about me and how I had all the pictures of him. I almost cried again.  That boy has stolen a huge chunk of my heart!! He wanted to take pictures of us and then of him with some of his siblings.  One of his sisters came and snuggled up on the couch next to us and we took several selfies.  As happy as we were to hang out and get to know one another, I was brokenhearted about how they live.  I wish I could really describe it to you, but it goes beyond words.  I know I will be praying for them every day!  I know if people could experience this, there would be no problem raising the funds they need to do anything here.  So much of the time we just need to open our eyes and see the world around us.  Try to see people as God sees them, not as the world sees them.  My first visit here opened my eyes to that, but I think I had forgotten.  Hopefully this time, I will remember to be thankful for all that I have.  
Christi's mom, Christi, me, and one of his sisters

The family...

The front of the apartment...

The rest of the apartment...

Please be in prayer for Christi and his family.  Pray that they stay healthy and have their needs met.  Also pray that tomorrow goes well.  It is the last day with the Roma people for most of the team, pray that they will be comforted as they say goodbye.

Thank you for all your prayers so far, they are making our trip the best!!


  1. YAY! So glad they loved it!

    1. Katie, thank you so much for your generous donations!! You rock!!!
