Saturday, June 28, 2014

Day 8

Thursday, June 26, 2014

Today was the team's last day with the Roma people.  They will start their trek back to Bucharest in the morning.  We had a great day!  We finished up with the women.  Jan of course brought the Bible study then we started our rotations.  Today in beauty they did manicures.  They started with Satin Hands, then painted nails.  The ladies had lots of fun painting each others nails.  Some of them have real talent for creating little designs on nails!!  In crafts we decopaged some frames.  They got to pick some scrapbook paper that I brought then glue it to some frames Jessica brought.  I was glad to find a use for all that scrapbook paper I had sitting at home!  The ladies really enjoyed making the frames.  Jessica also taught them how to make paper flowers.  Some of the ladies didn't want to make them because they said it was too hard, but we encouraged them to try.  Most of them had got it down by the end of our time together.  We gave them a picture of themselves that we took yesterday after their make-overs.  They loved this!!  I had finally figured out how to print some pictures for Cristi so I gave them to his mom.  She choose to put the picture I had taken of her and the kids in her frame.  It made me so happy that she liked them!!

After our roations, we had a closing, then handed out groceries to the ladies.  A huge thank you goes out to Houston's First Baptist for donating money for this!!  Between the money they gave me and some money given to Jan, we were able to buy about 25 lei worth of groceries for each family.  We had tons of fun shopping for them!  The ladies were very appreciative!

Since it was the team's last night, we took the translators out to dinner.  This is a tradition that I love!  I enjoy getting to know them better in a more relaxed setting.  Between dinner and desert the "Hot Mess Girls" decided we wanted a picuture with our translators, so we all went outside and had a fun time getting some pictures!  Here are two, one of us with the translators, and one with just the boys...

After dinner we had to go back to Point of Hope to get the intern cell phone for Jessica and me.  While we were there the girls decided they wanted to go see the Gypsy school, so we walked to it.  We lucked out that the security guard was there and let us go inside.  It was interesting to me to see their school. In many ways it looked just like ours, just older.  Very cool.

As we walked through the community to get to the school, a group of kids ran up and followed us.  Many of them were trying to show me how they remembered the movements (and some of the words) from the song we did during music time.  I loved it!!  Cristi's little sister came up and hugged me, he acted all cool and wouldn't hug me.  That's ok, he followed us around grinning!  I love that kid!!!

When we got back to the hotel, Jessica and I hung out with the other half of the Hot Mess since we have to say goodbye to them tomorrow.  We are going to miss our other half!!  Lots of laughter could be heard coming from our room I'm sure!

Please be in prayer for the team as they travel back to Predeal tomorrow.  Pray that they have safe travels!

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