Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Day 6

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Let me start off by saying a huge THANK YOU for all the prayers.  Everything has gone smoothly and I know that is due to God answering all YOUR prayers!  Y’all are awesome!

Now, about today… Another great day!! I know I say that every day, and I totally mean it every day! I love this country and these people so much!! Each day that I’m here I love it a little more…

Today we finished VBS with the kids.  It was bittersweet…  They had tons of fun, which made it all the more enjoyable for us.  It rained, so our game time had to be indoors, but that didn’t lessen the fun!  Even in cramped quarters the kids enjoyed the games and laughter abounded!  In music we played London Bridges, or at least a version of it, and musical chairs.  They really enjoyed dancing around and playing with us.  We had a CD of Romanian children’s music playing, we didn’t know what all of it meant, but it got stuck in our heads anyway!  It was so awesome to see them singing along to songs about running with God! 

It was sad to see them go at the end of the day, but I keep reminding myself, I’m staying for a little longer, and I’ll always be back next summer, so I will see them again.  I can’t imagine not spending a portion of my summer with these wonderful people! 

Please be in prayer for us as we begin our women’s ministry portion of our trip tomorrow.  Some of the younger girls are feeling a little intimidated by this, which I can relate to.  Jessica and I told them that we were intimidated at first too, but ended up having a marvelous time with them.  Please pray that the women will enjoy what we have planned and that the Bible lesson will take root in their hearts and show them Jesus.

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