Saturday, June 28, 2014

Day 10

Saturday, June 28, 2014

Whew, what a day!!  Jessica and I got up this morning and took the bus to Targu Mures to see Gabi.  She met us at the bus stop and then we walked, and walked, and walked some more!  We stopped for a pizza lunch, which was delicious, then continued walking to the mall.  After shopping for a little while, we went and sat in the town center.  I almost fell asleep on the bench after all that walking!! I will be in much better shape when I come home if this keeps up! I didn't get as many pictures today, just three. I'm a slacker, I know!

Paul and Lumi came to pick us up, then we went shopping for groceries.  They are very good cooks and I look to eating lots of yummy food over the next few weeks!

Tomorrow we will be visiting two churches, one in the morning and one in the afternoon.  That's if the one in the morning finishes in time!  I'm looking forward to experiencing gypsy church again, I love it!!

Please pray that the team has smooth flights home and that we are blessed by the church services.

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