Friday, June 20, 2014

Days 1 & 2

Thursday, 6/19/14 & Friday 6/20/14

Travel Days...

Well, we made it safely to Romania!! The flights were smooth and uneventful.  I didn't get much sleep on the planes, I never really do.  We were picked up at the airport by Eddie and Libertus, two volunteers for Point of Hope.  Since the rest of the team wasn't going to arrive for several hours, we went ahead and headed towards Predeal, where we are spending the night.  Dachi, the director of PoH, stayed with the van and trailer to bring the second half of the team.  They should be arriving in a few hours.

On our way, we stopped at a gas station to get some drinks.  I discovered a yummy fruit tea! I think I'll have a lot of this while I'm here.
They also had Dr. Pepper!! I got one, since they aren't very common, and you never know if you'll find them again...

As we drove through the countryside and into the mountains, I was reminded how much I love this country!! It is so beautiful!!  

I won't upload all of my pictures here, but you can check them all out on my flicker.

Please be praying for safe travels tomorrow, as we drive the rest of the way to Tarnaveni.  

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