Saturday, June 21, 2014

Day 3

Saturday, June 21, 2014

We woke up to a beautiful cool morning in Predeal!!  Check out this panoramic photo from our balcony...

Cool mountain air accompanying an awesome view, can't beat that!!

I can't believe how cool the temps have been all day!  Totally not what we were expecting (based on last year's experience), but I'm LOVING it!! So refreshing after the yucky heat we've had in Houston lately.

After a leisurely breakfast, we began the conclusion of our journey to Tarnaveni.  I thoroughly enjoyed the drive, and managed to stay awake for most of it!  The Romanian countryside is absolutely stunning.  I uploaded the many pictures I took to my Flickr, go check them out!

So beautiful!! Most of the drive was views like this!

When we arrived in Tarnaveni, we quickly checked into the hotel, then headed to lunch.  Since we are such a large group, Gabi orders the food ahead of time. This means we have more of a variety and it goes a little quicker.  After lunch, we headed up to Point of Hope for orientation.  Since Jessica and I have been before, we used this time to go through the aide that was brought and organize our craft supplies.  Then, the group was introduced to the staff by playing some ice breaker games.  I was so excited to see Doamna Rita, the custodian at the center.  Last year we really bonded even though we don't speak the same language.  Sometimes, you don't need words to make a connection with someone.  I call her my Romanian grandmother.  She gave me the biggest hug today, it made me feel so loved!! ♥♥♥ After introductions, we all had some ice cream!  It was delicious! Then the staff left and we had a team meeting to discuss the plan for the week.  I will be helping out with music for VBS for the first two days.  I'm looking forward to working with Christian, one of the girls from Burnet, on the music, she has lots of fun sounding ideas!!

Finally, we headed back to the hotel and walked to dinner.  We were all amazed when it was served on fire!!  We all had to take a picture of course!
Flaming Food!!
Now we are back at the hotel, getting ready for bed...  Tomorrow we are visiting the Roma church. I'm super excited about this!! We visited this church my first year and it was so refreshing.  Their love for Christ was evident, even though I couldn't understand anything they were saying.  I can't wait to experience this again!

Please be in prayer for our team, that we would say what God wants us to say and that He will use us to further His kingdom!

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