Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Day 5

Monday, June 23, 2014

Today was the absolute best day!!  We had so much fun with the kids!  Plus, I got to see many of the kids we worked with my first year here!  And I think they remembered me!

I worked with Christian in music today, with Marcus and Jalu translating, who are some very fun guys.  We taught the kids a song from a DVD, Big House.  It has dance moves that the kids had lots of fun doing.  Some were even singing the words in English!  I was very impressed.  After that, we played a CD with some Romanian songs they knew and they taught us the movements.  It was funny how some were so much more animated than others.  Just like the kids I’ve taught back home!  Then we played a freeze game.  When the music was playing, they had to dance.  When the music stopped, they had to freeze.  They really enjoyed this part.  I can definitely say I got a workout today!! 

In the morning, we had the pre-school aged kids.  In the afternoon, we had the after-school program kids.  These ranged from 1st-5th graders.  I enjoyed the older kids more, mainly because I remembered so many of them from my first trip.  I even got to see my favorite kiddo from my first trip, Christi!  He was so grown up!  I showed him some of the pictures I had of him on my phone and he loved it!  He wanted me to print them out for him.  I’ll have to see if I can find a way to do that here, or wait till I get home and mail it back.  I took several new ones of him too, so cute!!

After VBS with the kids, a group of us went with Dennis to Bacnea, a small town close by where he has been helping the local church.  We met the preacher and his family.  Then the preacher took us to look at where they are meeting now.  It is a small house like the one the gypsy’s here in Tarnaveni meet in.  The problem is that they don’t own the property or the house.  He then took us by a couple of properties they are looking at purchasing.  I would love to get some support for this group started in the States.  I know Dennis and his church are helping, but they need more!  I could tell how much they needed and wanted a building of their own to worship God.  How awesome would it be to help them reach that goal?!?

After our visit, we drove back to Point of Hope, where the staff cooked us a traditional Romanian meal.  I wasn’t a big fan, but tried everything!  It was very nice of them to do this for us!  I think they are planning to cook for us again tomorrow night. 

Please be in prayer as we continue the VBS with the kids tomorrow.  Pray that they wouldn’t just have fun, but grow in their relationship to Christ!

Here is a link to the pictures from today.

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