Wednesday, June 18, 2014

T-Minus Less than 24 Hours!!!

In less than 24 hours I will be boarding a plane headed to Romania!! I can't believe the day is almost here!!  I'm super excited!

Before then, there is still so much left to do.  I feel like I haven't stopped for a moment since I woke up!  I started packing, and quickly realized that I'm going to have a hard time getting it all to fit.  It is hard to know what all to take when I'll be there for so long.  While packing, I discovered that my camera has gone missing!  Those who have followed my past trips know that I take a LOT of pictures, so a missing camera caused me to panic slightly!  Ok, I panicked a little more than slightly, then I took a breath, and called my dad.  He had called earlier this morning to tell me he had decided to come to town to take me to dinner, so I asked if I could borrow his camera.  He didn't have it with him, but was willing to drive home before coming here to get one.  I felt bad about all that extra driving, so I texted a friend of mine who is a photographer and collects cameras, and he is being kind enough to loan me one.  Isn't that awesome?!?  I'm thanking God for small miracles! I've run all my errands, and now just have to make all my stuff fit in my suitcase. Thankfully all the materials I ordered online for our crafts arrived in time, though I was quite worried about the safety pins.  Thank goodness for God answering prayer!

I'm about to check in online for my flight, finish packing, then go meet dad for dinner.  Later this evening, my wonderful friend Rebecca is coming to pick up Snickers.  I'm dreading this.  Not that I don't trust her with Snick, just that I'm going to miss that fur ball so very much!  I've been trying to get in all the snuggles I can.  She'll probably be relieved to get away from me for a few days. Then, hopefully she'll miss me too.  But, she's a cat, so who knows how they think.

Please be in prayer that everything will fit in the suitcases, and that I won't accidentally leave anything behind.  Pray that our team from Burnet has a safe drive in tomorrow morning, and that our flights are on time and smooth.  Many of you know, I'm not the biggest fan of flying, so pray that I stay calm, cool, and collected!

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