Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Day 12

Monday, June 30, 2014

Today we started painting the mural that the team was unable to do last week.  It took awhile to get everything together.  Then longer for us to figure out how to make the tracer projector work.  It isn't large enough to show the whole image, so we had to do it in pieces.  Just a little frustrating, but we made it work. We got almost everything traced on the wall.  The last image goes on a wall that isn't quite ready to be painted on, so we'll have to wait on that one.  Libero says it will be ready tomorrow.

David and a beaten Goliath

Scared soldiers

Once we finished tracing, we began painting.  We finished painting the tree, then split up to paint the other two pieces.  I took the soldiers and was able to finish quite a bit on their faces before we had to leave.  I should be able to finish it tomorrow and then start on outlining.

The soldiers

The tree almost finished...
After working, we came home and relaxed.  Paul and Lumi made an excellent dinner of baked beans and ribs.  Yum!

Please be in prayer that we are able to finish this mural by the end of the week.  Next week's team will be starting another on in the room next door, so we would like to have ours done.

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