Saturday, July 5, 2014

Day 17

Saturday, July 5, 2014

Another great day in Romania!!  Gabi picked me up this morning and we ran errands while waiting for part of the team to arrive.  Half of the team missed their flight and won't be in until very late tonight, but the half from Illinois arrived this afternoon.  Once they got in, we picked them up and went to lunch at Crama.  Out of the 7 people from the team here so far, only one has been to Romania before.  So many newbies!! After lunch, we dropped them off at the hotel to rest and freshen up.  Then I ran a few more errands with Gabi.  I didn't realize how much she has to do for us! She really is amazing!! 

Later, we met the team at Point of Hope.  Since most of them were newbies, Gabi gave them a full orientation.  She showed them the building and told them about the program and the Roma people in general. It has been many years since I heard this speech, so I found it very interesting. It also renewed my belief in what they are doing at the Center and made me want to find more ways to help.  

After orientation, we took a walk through the community.  I saw Crisit and his mom standing around and went up to hug his mom.  She smiled and hugged me back.  His sisters walked part of the way with us.  I love that family so much!!  We took the team over to the Roma church to show them the outside of the building, then up to the hill where they will be doing some of the VBS activities in the afternoons.  They group from Illinois brought a flat Jesus, like Flat Stanley, but a cut out of Jesus.  So we took our picture with it in front of the Gypsy Church.

They seem like a fun group so far!  It should be a great week!!

Please be in prayer as the remaining team members make their way to Tarnaveni tonight.  

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