Monday, July 7, 2014

Day 19

Monday, July 7, 2014

HOT!!! If I had to sum up today with one word, that may be it!! Today was much hotter than it has been the last two weeks.  Plus, we were working outside for most of it!  

We started off this morning with VBS with the preschool kids.  We had 14 kids come today, which is more than were there last week, so I was very excited.  Since we have such a large team and such a small group of kids, we tried not to all be in the room with them at the same time.  Those who weren't working with the kids, started the mural in Eny's classroom.  We are doing a Daniel and the lions den theme in this room. Since I have experience with murals, I was put in charge of getting them set up and started.  So, I got everything ready for them, and set up the tracer.  Then put them to work!! I like being the supervisor!! ;-) I must say, if I never paint another mural, it will be too soon!! I love doing painting on canvas, but painting on the wall seems so much more tiring!!

The troopers, who did most of the work today on the mural: Joe and  Bailey
Music time with the preschoolers
This afternoon, we did something completely new.  We held VBS at the church, not just for the Point of Hope kids, but also for kids of the community and from the Gypsy Church!!  We had 104 kids show up today!! Plus some more that hung around watching all day... We had four rotations: music, Bible, crafts, and recreation.  Music was inside the church, crafts was under the car port, and Bible and rec were out on the hill.  I mainly stayed with crafts, but did wander from group to group a little.  I was thankful I was assigned to crafts, so I could at least be in the shade!  Every time I visited another group, the kids seemed to be engaged and having a blast! 

Music time!!
Bible time
This is the hill they were on!! Rec up high and Bible in the tent...
After VBS, we headed back to Point of Hope to collect our thoughts and cool down.  Some of the men from the team, met a little later with men from the church for a Mens Bible Study.  They said it went very well, and I think had around 25 men.  Later, the staff from Point of Hope made us a scrumptious dinner!

I was very happy to get back to the apartment for a shower and too head to bed a little early. I'm worn out!!

Please pray that tomorrow will go smoothly and that the kids will be touched by the Bible lesson and want to know more about Jesus.  Also, one of our team members hurt his back and could really use your prayers. His name is Jason and had such bad back pain today they had to call a doctor to try and get some prescription medicine.  Please pray that the meds will give him some relief so that he can participate in VBS tomorrow. I know he was disappointed to miss it today.  Thank you so much for your prayers, I know God is listening!!

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