Thursday, July 10, 2014

Day 21

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Whew, what a long day!! It was so great, it was worth it!!

We started the day with VBS with the younger kids as usual.  Everything went well and the kids had a great time!  At lunch, they decided they needed more people to work on the mural, but the last piece hadn't been traced yet.  So, I said I would stay and trace while they went to do VBS with the community this afternoon. I was able to get everything traced and got started painting by the time they returned.

Once the team returned from VBS, several people came in to help paint. It went pretty quickly!  I/ we should be able to finish it up tomorrow!!

Then came the best part of the day!! Around 7, we headed to the Gypsy Church to help them serve warm meals to all the kids that came to VBS, and to some of the community kids! Gabi thinks we fed around 150 (maybe more) kids!  The team mainly entertained the kids while they waited to be fed.  It was fun to play with that many kids!! 

It was amazing to see how excited the kids were, not just to eat, but to play with us!  I was glad we were able to provide them with a meal!  Praise God!!

Please be in prayer for the team as tomorrow is their last day with the Roma people.  It is always sad to leave...

1 comment:

  1. sounds very encouraging! I wonder if there are plans to somehow continue supporting the church?
