Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Day 13

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Wow!  I can't believe it is already July!! The time here is flying by! I'm having such an amazing time!!

Today we continued working on our murals.  I was able to finish my soldiers, outline the tree, and trace the last part of the mural.  I feel very accomplished!! Jessica finished hers just before we left. 
Finished Tree

Soldiers ready to be outlined
The last part of the mural, David and Goliath
Jessica's part ready to be outlined.
On the way home, we had Libero drop us off at the grocery store to pick up some more croissants. We figured we would just walk home from there, but while we were shopping, we ran into Paul and Lumi!  So we didn't have to walk home with a bag of groceries! Which worked out really well since it had started raining when we left.  Now we're just hanging out and relaxing!

Please keep praying that we will finish the mural over the next two days.  Jessica leaves on Friday, and then I will be working alone.  :-(  The next team arrives on Saturday I think, then we will begin planning for their activities.

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