Thursday, July 10, 2014

Day 22

Thursday, July 10, 2014

I can't believe I will be leaving Romania in a week!! The time has just flown by!! I'm trying not to think about it too much, I'm already a little sad about leaving...but I know I'll be back next summer!

Today was the team's last day with the kids.  They of course don't want to leave.  I think it must be something they put in our water here, everyone who comes, doesn't want to go home! ;-)  Really it's witnessing the amazing things Point of Hope is doing in the community and wanting to continue being a part of it.  That's why I keep coming back!!

I didn't get much time with kids today, but that's ok, as I have next week to love on them.  Since I didn't have internet last night, I started my day by updating blogs, mine and ACF's.  Then I worked the mural while the team was gone to VBS with the community kids.  Thankfully we were able to finish it today...what do you think??

Tonight was the final dinner with the translators.  We have such a great group of translators this year!! I love them!! They all have such fun personalities, and I enjoy spending time with them!!  Gelu is one of my favorites! Not only does he remind me of a favorite student back home, he makes me laugh constantly! However, he isn't a fan of having his picture taken, so we have to sneak attack him with the camera.  I got one at dinner!!

Such a cool kid!!  I'll defiantly miss this group of translators when I go home!!

When I finally made it home this evening, I Skyped my dad since we haven't been able to talk for a few days. He made my laugh by taking a selfie while we were silly!! I miss him and can't wait to go to Austin when I get home!

Please be in prayer for the team as they travel back over the next few days.  Pray that they make all their flights and have smooth travels!!

La revedere de la Romania!!

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