Sunday, July 6, 2014

Day 18

Sunday, July 6, 2014

The start of week three!! I so can't believe my time here is passing so quickly!! 

Today I met the other half of the team, and realized there is only one person older than me. Lots of young folks on this team!  I'm excited to see all they can accomplish and how being here changes their lives!

We attended church at the Gypsy church this morning.  It was much warmer than last time, but still very enjoyable!  It was different because they had a special speaker (other than us) and took the Lord's Supper at the end of the service.  Since the church is Presbyterian, and I attend a Baptist church at home, I'm not sure how typical their way of doing this was.  It was definitely different that the Baptists do it.  They had one piece of bread, which looked sort of like a tortilla, that they tore into pieces.  The pastor had the people who wanted to participate stand up, then walked around letting them take a piece.  He was talking the whole time, but as Gabi was participating, we didn't have a translation.  I'm assuming he was saying a blessing... Then they did the "wine" portion.  Gabi said it wasn't wine, but more fermented than regular grape juice. They pored it from the bottle into a cup and then he took the cup to each person standing and they took a drink from it.  Then, at the very end of the service, they washed the feet of those who had taken part (minus the members of our team who took part, I'm not sure why.)

After church, we headed back to Point of Hope to plan for our week.  We are trying some new things this week, so it should be interesting.  I'll keep you updated for sure!! 

Tomorrow we will be doing VBS in the morning with the preschool kids, then in the afternoon at the Gypsy Church.  We are expecting about 150 kids in the afternoon!! It should be interesting, if not a little chaotic. After tomorrow, I'm sure we'll have a better idea of what to do and the rest of the week will go smoother. I'm looking forward to seeing Cristi and his siblings tomorrow.  One of his sisters sang with the youth group this morning, and another one was at church, but he wasn't.  :-(  I did see him and his mom outside on our way there.  They both smiled and waved at me. :-)  Love them!!!

Please be in prayer that everything will go smoothly tomorrow and that the afternoon group will hear about Jesus and want to know more.  Many of the kids that are coming have never been to a VBS before, so we have the chance to plant some seeds tomorrow!! Pray that they take root and begin to grow!

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