Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Day 20

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Did you get that?? Listen again... How GREAT is our God?!?  He is certainly doing great things here in Romania!!

Today was just another example of His greatness!! I didn't get as many pictures and didn't get to participate as much as I would have liked due to a migraine, but God still did amazing things!!

We had another great day of VBS with the community kids.  They seemed to really enjoy all the activities and I was told, participated well in the Bible lesson.  God is touching their hearts and drawing them in!

Tonight, we did something else completely new, we held a community wide revival alongside the Gypsy Church.  I was unable to attend, but you can read all about the experience on the ACF Blog!  I'm sad I didn't get to experience this!  Guess I'll just have to come back!! ;-)

Please be in prayer that the revival they experienced tonight doesn't stop tonight, but continues and grows. How awesome would it be if the whole community came to Christ because those who found Him tonight shared their experience?!?  Please continue to pray for Jason as his back is still hurting, it is better, but not quite healed.  I know your prayers are working!! Also, please be in prayer for me, I finally have some relief from the migraine and really want to be back to normal tomorrow.  Please pray that I don't get anymore this week!  Your prayers are working, if you need proof, watch the video again, and reread the ACF blog, God is doing great things here!!