Friday, July 4, 2014

Day 15

Thursday, July 3, 2014

Wow, I can't believe my time here is already half through!! The time is flying by!!

Today was a very productive day! We finished all the murals!! YAY!! Thankfully, Marcus, one of our translators from last week, decided to stop by and visit us.  We put him to work!  He worked on the soldiers piece while Jessica and worked on our separate pieces.  We finished about an hour after lunch.  And had fun laughing with Marcus.  He kept asking to make something pink, but we refused... Such a fun guy!
So proud of my hard work!!

We were supposed to go with Ale to pick up her wedding dress this afternoon, but our plans fell through. :-( Libero had to take the van to TM to get fixed before the team arrives tomorrow.  So, we came home and watched a movie.  A very relaxing afternoon after a week of painting. 

Please be in prayer for Jessica as she travels to Hong Kong tomorrow, and for the teams headed here.  

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