Thursday, July 10, 2014

Day 22

Thursday, July 10, 2014

I can't believe I will be leaving Romania in a week!! The time has just flown by!! I'm trying not to think about it too much, I'm already a little sad about leaving...but I know I'll be back next summer!

Today was the team's last day with the kids.  They of course don't want to leave.  I think it must be something they put in our water here, everyone who comes, doesn't want to go home! ;-)  Really it's witnessing the amazing things Point of Hope is doing in the community and wanting to continue being a part of it.  That's why I keep coming back!!

I didn't get much time with kids today, but that's ok, as I have next week to love on them.  Since I didn't have internet last night, I started my day by updating blogs, mine and ACF's.  Then I worked the mural while the team was gone to VBS with the community kids.  Thankfully we were able to finish it today...what do you think??

Tonight was the final dinner with the translators.  We have such a great group of translators this year!! I love them!! They all have such fun personalities, and I enjoy spending time with them!!  Gelu is one of my favorites! Not only does he remind me of a favorite student back home, he makes me laugh constantly! However, he isn't a fan of having his picture taken, so we have to sneak attack him with the camera.  I got one at dinner!!

Such a cool kid!!  I'll defiantly miss this group of translators when I go home!!

When I finally made it home this evening, I Skyped my dad since we haven't been able to talk for a few days. He made my laugh by taking a selfie while we were silly!! I miss him and can't wait to go to Austin when I get home!

Please be in prayer for the team as they travel back over the next few days.  Pray that they make all their flights and have smooth travels!!

La revedere de la Romania!!

Day 21

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Whew, what a long day!! It was so great, it was worth it!!

We started the day with VBS with the younger kids as usual.  Everything went well and the kids had a great time!  At lunch, they decided they needed more people to work on the mural, but the last piece hadn't been traced yet.  So, I said I would stay and trace while they went to do VBS with the community this afternoon. I was able to get everything traced and got started painting by the time they returned.

Once the team returned from VBS, several people came in to help paint. It went pretty quickly!  I/ we should be able to finish it up tomorrow!!

Then came the best part of the day!! Around 7, we headed to the Gypsy Church to help them serve warm meals to all the kids that came to VBS, and to some of the community kids! Gabi thinks we fed around 150 (maybe more) kids!  The team mainly entertained the kids while they waited to be fed.  It was fun to play with that many kids!! 

It was amazing to see how excited the kids were, not just to eat, but to play with us!  I was glad we were able to provide them with a meal!  Praise God!!

Please be in prayer for the team as tomorrow is their last day with the Roma people.  It is always sad to leave...

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Day 20

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Did you get that?? Listen again... How GREAT is our God?!?  He is certainly doing great things here in Romania!!

Today was just another example of His greatness!! I didn't get as many pictures and didn't get to participate as much as I would have liked due to a migraine, but God still did amazing things!!

We had another great day of VBS with the community kids.  They seemed to really enjoy all the activities and I was told, participated well in the Bible lesson.  God is touching their hearts and drawing them in!

Tonight, we did something else completely new, we held a community wide revival alongside the Gypsy Church.  I was unable to attend, but you can read all about the experience on the ACF Blog!  I'm sad I didn't get to experience this!  Guess I'll just have to come back!! ;-)

Please be in prayer that the revival they experienced tonight doesn't stop tonight, but continues and grows. How awesome would it be if the whole community came to Christ because those who found Him tonight shared their experience?!?  Please continue to pray for Jason as his back is still hurting, it is better, but not quite healed.  I know your prayers are working!! Also, please be in prayer for me, I finally have some relief from the migraine and really want to be back to normal tomorrow.  Please pray that I don't get anymore this week!  Your prayers are working, if you need proof, watch the video again, and reread the ACF blog, God is doing great things here!!

Monday, July 7, 2014

Day 19

Monday, July 7, 2014

HOT!!! If I had to sum up today with one word, that may be it!! Today was much hotter than it has been the last two weeks.  Plus, we were working outside for most of it!  

We started off this morning with VBS with the preschool kids.  We had 14 kids come today, which is more than were there last week, so I was very excited.  Since we have such a large team and such a small group of kids, we tried not to all be in the room with them at the same time.  Those who weren't working with the kids, started the mural in Eny's classroom.  We are doing a Daniel and the lions den theme in this room. Since I have experience with murals, I was put in charge of getting them set up and started.  So, I got everything ready for them, and set up the tracer.  Then put them to work!! I like being the supervisor!! ;-) I must say, if I never paint another mural, it will be too soon!! I love doing painting on canvas, but painting on the wall seems so much more tiring!!

The troopers, who did most of the work today on the mural: Joe and  Bailey
Music time with the preschoolers
This afternoon, we did something completely new.  We held VBS at the church, not just for the Point of Hope kids, but also for kids of the community and from the Gypsy Church!!  We had 104 kids show up today!! Plus some more that hung around watching all day... We had four rotations: music, Bible, crafts, and recreation.  Music was inside the church, crafts was under the car port, and Bible and rec were out on the hill.  I mainly stayed with crafts, but did wander from group to group a little.  I was thankful I was assigned to crafts, so I could at least be in the shade!  Every time I visited another group, the kids seemed to be engaged and having a blast! 

Music time!!
Bible time
This is the hill they were on!! Rec up high and Bible in the tent...
After VBS, we headed back to Point of Hope to collect our thoughts and cool down.  Some of the men from the team, met a little later with men from the church for a Mens Bible Study.  They said it went very well, and I think had around 25 men.  Later, the staff from Point of Hope made us a scrumptious dinner!

I was very happy to get back to the apartment for a shower and too head to bed a little early. I'm worn out!!

Please pray that tomorrow will go smoothly and that the kids will be touched by the Bible lesson and want to know more about Jesus.  Also, one of our team members hurt his back and could really use your prayers. His name is Jason and had such bad back pain today they had to call a doctor to try and get some prescription medicine.  Please pray that the meds will give him some relief so that he can participate in VBS tomorrow. I know he was disappointed to miss it today.  Thank you so much for your prayers, I know God is listening!!

Sunday, July 6, 2014

Day 18

Sunday, July 6, 2014

The start of week three!! I so can't believe my time here is passing so quickly!! 

Today I met the other half of the team, and realized there is only one person older than me. Lots of young folks on this team!  I'm excited to see all they can accomplish and how being here changes their lives!

We attended church at the Gypsy church this morning.  It was much warmer than last time, but still very enjoyable!  It was different because they had a special speaker (other than us) and took the Lord's Supper at the end of the service.  Since the church is Presbyterian, and I attend a Baptist church at home, I'm not sure how typical their way of doing this was.  It was definitely different that the Baptists do it.  They had one piece of bread, which looked sort of like a tortilla, that they tore into pieces.  The pastor had the people who wanted to participate stand up, then walked around letting them take a piece.  He was talking the whole time, but as Gabi was participating, we didn't have a translation.  I'm assuming he was saying a blessing... Then they did the "wine" portion.  Gabi said it wasn't wine, but more fermented than regular grape juice. They pored it from the bottle into a cup and then he took the cup to each person standing and they took a drink from it.  Then, at the very end of the service, they washed the feet of those who had taken part (minus the members of our team who took part, I'm not sure why.)

After church, we headed back to Point of Hope to plan for our week.  We are trying some new things this week, so it should be interesting.  I'll keep you updated for sure!! 

Tomorrow we will be doing VBS in the morning with the preschool kids, then in the afternoon at the Gypsy Church.  We are expecting about 150 kids in the afternoon!! It should be interesting, if not a little chaotic. After tomorrow, I'm sure we'll have a better idea of what to do and the rest of the week will go smoother. I'm looking forward to seeing Cristi and his siblings tomorrow.  One of his sisters sang with the youth group this morning, and another one was at church, but he wasn't.  :-(  I did see him and his mom outside on our way there.  They both smiled and waved at me. :-)  Love them!!!

Please be in prayer that everything will go smoothly tomorrow and that the afternoon group will hear about Jesus and want to know more.  Many of the kids that are coming have never been to a VBS before, so we have the chance to plant some seeds tomorrow!! Pray that they take root and begin to grow!

Saturday, July 5, 2014

Day 17

Saturday, July 5, 2014

Another great day in Romania!!  Gabi picked me up this morning and we ran errands while waiting for part of the team to arrive.  Half of the team missed their flight and won't be in until very late tonight, but the half from Illinois arrived this afternoon.  Once they got in, we picked them up and went to lunch at Crama.  Out of the 7 people from the team here so far, only one has been to Romania before.  So many newbies!! After lunch, we dropped them off at the hotel to rest and freshen up.  Then I ran a few more errands with Gabi.  I didn't realize how much she has to do for us! She really is amazing!! 

Later, we met the team at Point of Hope.  Since most of them were newbies, Gabi gave them a full orientation.  She showed them the building and told them about the program and the Roma people in general. It has been many years since I heard this speech, so I found it very interesting. It also renewed my belief in what they are doing at the Center and made me want to find more ways to help.  

After orientation, we took a walk through the community.  I saw Crisit and his mom standing around and went up to hug his mom.  She smiled and hugged me back.  His sisters walked part of the way with us.  I love that family so much!!  We took the team over to the Roma church to show them the outside of the building, then up to the hill where they will be doing some of the VBS activities in the afternoons.  They group from Illinois brought a flat Jesus, like Flat Stanley, but a cut out of Jesus.  So we took our picture with it in front of the Gypsy Church.

They seem like a fun group so far!  It should be a great week!!

Please be in prayer as the remaining team members make their way to Tarnaveni tonight.  

Day 16

Friday, July 4, 2014

Happy Fourth of July!! I'm missing seeing the fireworks this evening!

I'm the last Hot Mess Texas Girl left in Romania!! :-(  Jessica left early this morning.  Then I spent the rest of the day hanging out at the apartment doing pretty much nothing!  I was able to catch up on a few of my shows online.  I read some. I pinned some.  A very relaxing day!

Please be in prayer for the next team as they arrive in Romania.  Pray that they will travel safely to Tarnaveni, and that they will be able to accomplish all that God has planned for them.

Friday, July 4, 2014

Day 15

Thursday, July 3, 2014

Wow, I can't believe my time here is already half through!! The time is flying by!!

Today was a very productive day! We finished all the murals!! YAY!! Thankfully, Marcus, one of our translators from last week, decided to stop by and visit us.  We put him to work!  He worked on the soldiers piece while Jessica and worked on our separate pieces.  We finished about an hour after lunch.  And had fun laughing with Marcus.  He kept asking to make something pink, but we refused... Such a fun guy!
So proud of my hard work!!

We were supposed to go with Ale to pick up her wedding dress this afternoon, but our plans fell through. :-( Libero had to take the van to TM to get fixed before the team arrives tomorrow.  So, we came home and watched a movie.  A very relaxing afternoon after a week of painting. 

Please be in prayer for Jessica as she travels to Hong Kong tomorrow, and for the teams headed here.  

Day 14

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Another day of painting!! We started our outlines today, but weren't able to finish.  We had to call Gabi and ask her to bring some more black paint and some smaller paintbrushes when she comes tomorrow.  The paintbrushes we have make it hard to get a smooth line in the smaller places.  Here is what we got done so far...

After painting, we went home to join Paul and Lumi as they went to a birthday party for one of Lumi's nieces.  I'm not positive the name of the town we went to, but it was a little farther than Bacnea.  There were lots of people there.  They even had a sound system (karaoke style) set up and were singing songs.  It was a beautiful area with spectacular views!

We stayed for a little over an hour, then headed back home.  It was so different from children's birthday parties at home.  No decorations, no presents, just cake and family gathering to celebrate.  So simple!

Tomorrow we hope to finish the murals!  Please pray that we are able to!

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Day 13

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Wow!  I can't believe it is already July!! The time here is flying by! I'm having such an amazing time!!

Today we continued working on our murals.  I was able to finish my soldiers, outline the tree, and trace the last part of the mural.  I feel very accomplished!! Jessica finished hers just before we left. 
Finished Tree

Soldiers ready to be outlined
The last part of the mural, David and Goliath
Jessica's part ready to be outlined.
On the way home, we had Libero drop us off at the grocery store to pick up some more croissants. We figured we would just walk home from there, but while we were shopping, we ran into Paul and Lumi!  So we didn't have to walk home with a bag of groceries! Which worked out really well since it had started raining when we left.  Now we're just hanging out and relaxing!

Please keep praying that we will finish the mural over the next two days.  Jessica leaves on Friday, and then I will be working alone.  :-(  The next team arrives on Saturday I think, then we will begin planning for their activities.

Day 12

Monday, June 30, 2014

Today we started painting the mural that the team was unable to do last week.  It took awhile to get everything together.  Then longer for us to figure out how to make the tracer projector work.  It isn't large enough to show the whole image, so we had to do it in pieces.  Just a little frustrating, but we made it work. We got almost everything traced on the wall.  The last image goes on a wall that isn't quite ready to be painted on, so we'll have to wait on that one.  Libero says it will be ready tomorrow.

David and a beaten Goliath

Scared soldiers

Once we finished tracing, we began painting.  We finished painting the tree, then split up to paint the other two pieces.  I took the soldiers and was able to finish quite a bit on their faces before we had to leave.  I should be able to finish it tomorrow and then start on outlining.

The soldiers

The tree almost finished...
After working, we came home and relaxed.  Paul and Lumi made an excellent dinner of baked beans and ribs.  Yum!

Please be in prayer that we are able to finish this mural by the end of the week.  Next week's team will be starting another on in the room next door, so we would like to have ours done.