Saturday, July 11, 2015

Romania 2015- Day 29

Day 29- July 11, 2015

Wow, today was such an emotional day!!!  It is one of my least favorite days of the year: my last day at Point of Hope for the year. 

We met the new team at Point of Hope this morning.  There are 15 team members, all from Illinois.   All the kids Point of Hope serves were invited up today for activities, ice cream, and a special gift provided by the sponsors, ACF, and Buckner Ro.  We had the kids broken into age groups and split into four different rooms.  Two of the rooms had two groups: the youngest of the after-school program with a pre-school class.  We brought each group into the café separately and gave each kid an ice cream cone.  After they finished their cone, if they wanted more we gave them another scoop (or three) in a cup.  They loved the cold treat!!!

After ice cream, each group came a got their presents.  It was a bag filled some food stuff and a toy.  It was fun watching them look in the bags and get excited!  I watched as Rebecca and Lorena, the two girls I sponsor, opened theirs.  I wish I had brought them a little something extra!! Next year, I’ll remember!

Once all the kids had left, we ate a pizza lunch.  There was lots of ice cream left over so we decided to go hand it out to the neighborhood at the gate.  It was fun to see people running to get some!  Not just kids too, adults running for ice cream!!!

When all the ice cream had been handed out, we met quickly to determine who would go to what house for some home visits.  I had told Gabi I didn’t need to go since I went last year, but one of Crisiti’s sisters (Simona) asked if I was coming to their house.  Well, you know I couldn’t say no to that!!! So I went with a group to visit.  There were two groups of four that went to the apartments, we were then supposed to split.  Four of us (plus me translator, so six total) to Crisit’s house and four others (plus Mr. Libero and Markus) to another apartment.  Since I had been last year, I knew exactly where I was going.  Plus Rebecca was walking with me, so I couldn’t really have gotten lost.  I got the apartment before anyone else.  One of the first things I noticed was that they had rearranged a little, which made the very small apartment feel a little bigger.  Once everyone was in, we all sat on the couches.  There was a man there that I hadn’t met before, so I asked Cristi’s mom if that was the dad, she said yes and he shook my hand.  It was nice to finally meet him.  Now the only member of the family I haven’t met is the oldest sister, who is married with two kids of her own.  The team members weren’t really sure what to do, so I told them to ask some questions.  They asked how many kids there were (8 plus one on the way) and their ages.  I sat with Lorena content on my lap.  I felt so at home!  After a few minutes, there was a knock at the door.  The other four members had been turned away, but Cristi’s family welcomed them in.  The apartment was now very full!  With so many people in such a small space it was hard to translate all that was said, but it was mentioned how much I love the family and how grateful they are for me.  I tried hard not to, but I cried a little.  My heart was so full of love it overflowed out of my eyes as tears.  Before we left I said I had to have a family picture.  But unlike last year, I wanted to be in it with them.  I love it!!! My little Romanian family!!

It was SOOO hard to leave after that.  I wanted to stay and spend more time with them, but we needed to get on the road to camp.  I think leaving this time was much harder than it ever has been.  In the past I was just leaving my boy, but this year, I feel like I’ve gotten close to the whole family.  I LOVE my girls, Rebecca and Lorena!!  That family really has my heart!!!

Finally we got on the road to camp.  It took about two and a half hours to get here, but it was a beautiful drive so it wasn’t bad.  I’m not sure what I expected, but the camp grounds are beautiful!! After a quick dinner, we walked around the grounds some.  I think it is going to be a great week. 

Please be in prayer for the kids we will be working with as they travel here tomorrow.  Pray for the team as we prepare for the week tomorrow.   Please also be praying for me as I pray and seek God’s will for my future.  God has a plan, I trust Him to show me what that is!

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