Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Romania 2015- Camp Summary

Days 31-33- July 13-15, 2015

Whew!!! It has been a whirlwind three days!!! Instead of trying to go back and give you daily updates, because to be honest I can’t really remember what happened when and I don’t have pictures to look at to remember; I’m going to give you a highlight reel of camp so far.  I figure tomorrow will earn its very own post seeing as it is the last day of VBS and our last full day with the kids… Just to let you know, picking moments for me is super hard which is why I normally give a daily break down, that way I don’t have to pick and choose what to tell you about…

For these first three days, I spent a day with each of the different groups: Grupa Mic (the youngest ones), The Middle Group, and Grupa Mare (the oldest ones).  Seeing as I love working with littles, I enjoyed my day with Grupa Mic.  And Kristian is the leader of the Middle Group, so I figured that would be fun and it was.  I was most apprehensive about spending the day with Grupa Mare, teenagers aren’t really my strong point.  BUT, God had other plans.  I think that I had the most fun with them!!  A few of them are pretty good at English and several others know enough to kinda communicate.  During games I was brave (for me) and jumped in to play Ducks and Hunters with them.  In typical Amanda fashion, I totally wiped out in front of them.  I was a duck and one of the hunters threw the ball at me to get me out.  I had already been hit once, so being hit again meant I was out of the game.  So I tried to get out of the way…and tripped on the BALL.  Yeah. That happened.  But they were so nice, they ran over to help me up and check on me.  J

That evening we did a scavenger hunt and I volunteered to be the photographer for Grupa Mare.  They had a list of 20 pictures they had to get.  For example they had to take a picture high-fiving Gabi.  So we spent about an hour or so running around camp getting different pictures.  Before doing this I wouldn’t have thought I would have fun, but it really was a blast!! They used me for two of the pictures (someone with blue eyes, and someone with a bag) and a big plus, I have pictures!!! I can’t post them, but at least I have them to remember they kids by.

After the scavenger hunt was the obstacle courses.  Well, I had had enough running around so I parked it on the ground to observe.   One of the teenage girls who is pretty fluent in English sat down next to me.  If you saw my FaceBook update, this is C. I had talked with her a little before that night, but she had seemed kinda stand-offish and like she didn’t want to talk with me.  We joked a little about the games and I made a joke about the bugs wanting to bite me because I’m so sweet.  She really thought that was funny.  That seemed to break the ice between us and she was willing to share her story with me.  (see FB for that)  The next evening, we got out the bracelet stuff during the afternoon session for the kids who didn’t want to play more rocket-wars (more on that later).  I had learned to make the bracelets to be able to help Terrie, our craft guru (more on her later).  C sat at the table across from me and said she wanted a bracelet.  I had her pick a color of thread and cut the pieces for her.  Then I had her pick a charm and beads.  I tied off the ends to get her started and went to tape it in front of her.  She said, “I don’t know how to make it!” I said that’s ok, I’ll teach you.  She responded, “You don’t like me??” At that point I was very confused and said of course I do.  Then figured out she wanted me to make it for her.  So I did! Thankfully it turned out much better than the example one I made!  And I’ve seen her wearing it! Makes my heart happy!!

Another high point: rocket-wars!! I had no idea what rocket-wars were when they were mentioned in our team meeting.  At one point they showed a video to the kids about last year’s camp.  There was a picture of people that looked like they were throwing things at each other.  I turned to Kristian and said that looks fun!  Turns out that was rocket-wars.  To set up, you put a row of chairs down the middle of the room to separate the teams.  Then each team gets a bunch of rockets, these foam things that have a rubber band type thing inside them.  You put the loop on your finger, pull the rocket back, and release!  It goes flying!!! There didn’t seem to be any rules, just hit as many opponents with the rockets as possible.  I don’t know how long I lasted, but for whatever length of time I was in there, it was a BLAST!!! I’m seriously considering buying some for a reward for my kids next year!!

Ugh, I’m having a hard time narrowing it down!!!

Team high point: Terrie.  She reminds me so much of mom.  She’s been super kind to me since the first day.  When I was crying because of leaving Cristi, she gave me a big hug and whispered in my ear how much of a blessing I was.  She’s been there to encourage me when I’m down and laugh with me when I’m laughing.  I’ve spent more and more time with her each day!! I just can’t get enough!!  She is super talented at crafts, like I don’t even come close to comparing and you know how much I love crafts!!!  I told her she has to come back next year to work with the women at Point of Hope.  She’s going to pray about it, would you too??  I plan to spend tomorrow helping her in crafts.  I’m so glad God led her to come on this trip!!

Tonight’s high point: the Talent Show AKA Romania’s Got Talent.  We told the kids about the talent show on Sunday so they’ve been working on their different talents.  The team was welcome to participate as well.  I wasn’t really looking forward to it, not that I didn’t want to go, but I wasn’t overly excited.  Right before it started Tina asked Kristian and I if one of us wanted to be a judge.  We both said yes, so she told us to share the position.  Two other team members were chosen to be judges as well: Melissa and Aubrey (who happens to be Terrie’s daughter).  There were 12 acts, 3 were by the team the rest by kids.  There was dancing, singing, poetry recital, gymnastics, a card trick, tap dancing, flute playing, and the cutest show of strength I’ve ever seen.  We had the best time laughing and singing along!!  Everyone got an award, and I was overjoyed with the experience!!

These highlights don’t even begin to cover the amazing week this has been!  I can’t wait to see what tomorrow brings!!

Please be in prayer that our last day with the kids is filled with love and happiness.  Pray that our activities point them to Christ.  Please also pray that that bonds we have forged this week will stay with us long past our parting, that we won’t forget these experiences or each other.  And please pray for C, she shared with another team member today that she has several friends who don’t want to be alive and she isn’t sure how to respond to them.  Pray that God gives her the words she needs and comforts her like no one else can.  Thank you again for your prayers so far, God is doing amazing things here in Romania!!

1 comment:

  1. Your posts bring tears to my eyes. I miss the camp experience very much!
